

Archive for the tag “comics”

Punk and Ska poster

Fun flier to make for a really awesome radio show hosted by a dear friend. Was feeling inspired…have been reading alot of Dr. Seuss to my son recently, really in love with his stairs and horns and everything else really!

Punk and Ska


Prolly the last comic I’m gonna do for a while….and the first one with my baby in it!
Fact: neither mini-comics nor babies pay the bills….oh drats!

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Music Note in color!

decided to work some color into this thing. Was doing the covers for the comic as block prints, but damn, that takes a long time! Two layers nontheless!


O’Frost…. another new poetry comic!

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Hold Fast #2


page 2? of said mini-comic!

Hold Fast #1


first page of a new mini-comic I’m working on!

Andromeda #13

Cover i did for the awesome pittsburgh comics anthology, Andromeda….

check it out at littletired.wordpress.com

Music Note Extra

drew this as a possible cover for the music note comic…..

ended up just doing 2 layer linocut covers of a speech bubble with a music note in it

Shadbush Collective Comic

this is a comic i put together for the Shadbush Collective ( http://www.shadbushcollective.org ) a rad environmental justice collective out of Pittsburgh, PA. it will be featured as a full page poster in their new publication, the second edition of The Shalefields Grassroots Reporter. The comic details the plight of a small community in south-western PA that has been devastated by hydraulic fracturing.

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